Astrological Treasure Mapping: A Cosmic Party on the New Moon in Aries

Ready to have some fun with the universe? Dive headfirst into a cosmic party where the new moon and Aries are the VIP guests! This blog is your ticket to the exciting world of astrological treasure mapping. We’re mixing star-studded astrology, the magical energy of the moon, and a pinch of Feng Shui to cook up a recipe for success. So, grab your craft supplies, put on your star-gazing glasses, and let’s get this celestial shindig started!

Part of my own treasure map

What is Astrological Treasure Mapping?

Think of astrological treasure mapping as a cosmic scavenger hunt. You’re creating a vibrant, visual party invitation for your dreams and goals, using the high-energy vibes of the new moon and Aries. This cosmic collage is not just a work of art but a potent symbol that whispers to your subconscious, nudging it to turn your dreams into reality.

I first discovered this technique in 2022 from astrologer Tracey Cook on Astrology Hub. Tracey has gathered friends for 26 years to create maps for manifestations. One of the first to create the idea was astrologer Buzz Meyers in 1996. The key is using the process at the start of the zodiacal wheel and engaging the strong Aries beginnings.

Why the New Moon and Aries?

The new moon is like the universe’s way of saying, “Let’s start fresh!” It’s a cosmic clean slate, making it the perfect time to set intentions and launch new projects. It’s like the universe’s version of a pep rally, giving your dreams the cheer they need to become reality.

Meanwhile, Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is the life and soul of this cosmic party. Known for being a trailblazer, Aries brings an energy booster to your dreams, turning the volume up on your intentions.

The 2024 New Moon in Aries features a solar eclipse happening on April 8th at 1:20 pm est. The eclipse energy may spike this year’s intentions off the chart!

Using Feng Shui in Treasure Mapping

Now, let’s add a little Feng Shui magic to our treasure map. Picture Feng Shui as the cosmic party planner, organizing your dreams and goals on your map so they vibe with the universe’s energy flow.

Bagua map courtesy of Blooming Home

Using the Feng Shui, Bagua map, which segments different life areas such as wealth, health, and relationships, you can place your images and symbols in their perfect party spots. For instance, career goals get the VIP seating in the north section, while love aspirations cozy up in the southwest corner.

Planning Your Map

When most people are setting their New Year’s intentions, those who enjoy treasure mapping are in the process of decluttering so we can bring in the new. January through March is a great time to clear the energies, any remaining issues, review your goals and what you still want to put action towards.

Your map can include pictures from magazines, digital downloads, words of inspiration, drawings, sketches, anything you like. This is truly about you and the things you want to bring about this year. It’s manifesting these things, but fundamentally you have to put action towards the visuals that you put on this map. Aries rules sight too.

Best Times to Review and Edit Maps

Timeframe to do the map is within two days of the Aries new moon. It’s doable until the following full moon if you need extra time.

Once you’ve created your treasure map and a couple months go buy, you may see one or two things on there that no longer resonate. It is fine to change and replace a few things on your map but don’t change the overall creative energy you’ve put into this.The next reviews will come at the new moon in Cancer, the new moon in Libra (opposite energy of Aries), and the new moon in Capricorn.

See how far you’ve come, what you would like to do differently next year, and prepared to declutter your space, your mind and your emotions to make room for another year of new moon, Aries energy.

Enjoy The Process

Astrological treasure mapping is more than just a manifestation tool. It’s a cosmic party where you, the new moon, Aries, and Feng Shui come together to celebrate your dreams and aspirations. Don’t just focus on the end goal – enjoy the process. As you create your map, you’re not just piecing together images and symbols; you’re discovering your deepest desires.

©️2024 Tru2itt Connections

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Published by Tru2itt Connections

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